Remember Me [Speak of me as you always have done]

Author: Anthony Dowson

Written: Unknown, first appearing on internet 2005

As used in: Common funeral poem

Good for: Eulogy, funeral poem

Time to read out loud: About a minute


Remember Me

Speak of me as you have always done.
Remember the good times, laughter, and fun.

Share the happy memories we've made.
Do not let them wither or fade.

I'll be with you in the summer's sun
And when the winter's chill has come.

I'll be the voice that whispers in the breeze.
I'm peaceful now, put your mind at ease.

I've rested my eyes and gone to sleep,
But memories we've shared are yours to keep.

Sometimes our final days may be a test,
But remember me when I was at my best.

Although things may not be the same,
Don't be afraid to use my name.

Let your sorrow last for just a while.
Comfort each other and try to smile.

I've lived a life filled with joy and fun.
Live on now, make me proud of what you'll become.

-- Anthony Dowson--


Remember Me by Anthony Dowson provides comforting words in the voice of a recently departed loved one.

Little is known about the provenance of this poem by Anthony Dowson but it first appeared on a website in 2005.


Just one other poem is credited to the same author on There is limited information available about the author.

If you have any further information on this poem or the author, please add a comment.

Other Remember Me Funeral Poems

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